Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wednesday the 30th

Today Super Monkey was busy most of the morning - off saving people while I worked. But I told him he should definitely come back in the afternoon, because he could come with me to see my asthma and allergy doctor!

So while we waited in the room for my doctor to come in, I was telling Super Monkey about how all the tree pollen in the air was making my sinuses clogged. Since he's an alien monkey, with a crazy alien biological make up, SM was all "What's a sinus?" So I explained to him, and then showed him (how handy!) the difference between a healthy sinus and a bad sinus:


When he heard the doctor coming, Super Monkey decided to hide in the corner to check out first whether or not he thought my doctor was evil before he revealed himself. Since it's a pediatrician's office, the walls are kind of loud, but SM blends in GREAT, no?


Finally, when he was convinced of my doctor's non-evilness, SM was happy to present himself for an exam to see if he had allergies too!


So that was pretty much the most exciting thing we did all day. After that I went to my parents house to do a quick load of laundry, and home to cook dinner and watch Veronica Mars (I'm currently working my way through season 1.)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday the 29th

Today was a busy day for Super Monkey!! As his bio told me (as did SM himself) one of his favorite activities is kickboxing. Lucky for him I just so happen to take a kickboxing class every Tuesday at 6am! Here we are arriving at the gym, still a littly sleepy, since we had to get up at 5am to get there on time.


SM tried to use one of our gloves but sadly it was too big for him, so a fellow kickboxer gave him a ride on it instead:


My instructor was so excited to have a new student!


SM observed us for awhile first, to see what level we were at:


But then joined in when my instructor offered some personal attention (she's holding him here in the back):


After a good sweaty workout, I showered (SM didn't sweat since he's a superhero), and then we headed upstairs to work! I had to read some emails so Super Monkey sat around on my cube waiting for people to walk by so he could meet them!


I told him if he needed something super-hero-y to do to entertain himself he could take my spot on our Business Continuity Planning Team as Deputy Fire Warden. He liked wearing my hat, and hoped he could help out if there was trouble!


After I had caught up, I took SM over to the board room so he could get some experience in kicking ass and taking names. I told him he couldn't work for the man until he had mastered that skill.




Then I taught him the art of chatting at the water cooler, another important corporate company skill:


After that, he wanted a little chill time, away from cubicle land, and settled himself in our ficus to see the outside views:


Before we left work for the day I introduced Super Monkey to one of our local work mascots, Coconut George, a regular earth monkey made of coconut:


After that, we went out for Mexican food, where Super Monkey got to meet my GREAT friend Anne, as well as having some tasty chips and salsa.


Then we got some balloon animal friends from the restaurant's balloon guy so that Super Monkey would have someone to hang with while we had girl talk.


Now we are both exhausted! I will be watching yet another playoff hockey game, but I think Super Monkey will rest or go for a flight around the world. He hasn't been much luck yet with my Hockey team, but I think it's cause he's not really a hockey fan. More of a bowling guy as I understand it!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday the 27th

Today we had a pretty basic day. We went over to my parents house to play tennis with my Dad. Here's Super Monkey getting ready to borrow a racket(couldn't fit one in his suitcase, y'know?)


Then Super Monkey met the best mom in the world - my Mom!! He had to whip off to save someone in peril during the Ranger game, but got a chance to say hello to the fam first! Sadly, my Mom had her eyes half closed for this shot!


After that we went home and relaxed for the rest of the night.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Average day - smoothie and park

Today was an average day for me, not too exciting for Super Monkey. In the morning I set about making a fruit smoothie for me and SM for breakfast. He got impatient while I was chopping the fruit, and stole my strawberries (see that guilty look in his eyes?)


But then when I explained he would get some of the smoothie when it was finished he gave them back, but told me to hurry it up he was hungry! When I finally gave him the smoothie he enjoyed it very much, and the cool sake glass I served it to him in...


After that we took a ride to one of my favorite local parks, so that I could get some exercise! Here we are driving there (SM claimed this as his spot while driving so that he can keep his eye on the road AND me!):


SuperMonkey doesn't care for walking, he'd rather fly around, so while I walked he flew for awhile and then was intrigued by the dog park at my park, and silently observed from the car:


Here is a pic of the park we went to. It's called Wood Dale County Park. Click on the pic for the full view - it's really beautiful at this time of year.

Later I set up this blog for Super Monkey, but he wanted to give his full seal of approval before it went live. Here he is giving it an inspection...

Later in the day we watched CSI, took a nap, made dinner, and watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire on TV. Then we went to bed!