So, in desperate need of some fun, I encouraged my friend Steve to have a party. Since many of our friends would be traveling home to NJ for Mother's Day weekend to visit their moms, he had a little gathering last night. Super Monkey was ecstatic to finally have a bit of fun, since we had a pretty boring week last week. He had lots of extra time for saving people.
When we first arrived, Super Monkey decided to check out the selection of potential libations:

And since I couldn't decide if this one looked better with or without the flash, here you get version 2:

I warned him if he planned on doing any heavy drinking he should eat something first. Unfortunately this wasn't a very vegan friendly party, so Super Monkey decided to be brave and try some cheese. He said it wouldn't offend his sensibilities as much as a giant slab of beef:

Then he started out with something light, a Mike's Hard Lemonade of the berry variety. I applauded him for challenging gender stereotypes by drinking it:

SM then spent some time chillin with our friend, Andy:

And then a bit later into the party, my friend Steve decided to compare the "monkey butt" on his head with SM's butt:

Then things got a little exciting. My friend Danielle decided it couldn't be a true party for SM without him getting some sugar, so:

And my friend Jim also got friendly with SM, but not in an inappropriate way, I swear! They were just hanging out!

By then, I think Super Monkey was a bit tipsy. We just happened to have a coaster describing his state of mind, so of course, we forced him to pose with it!

A bit later when things really got interesting, Super Monkey insisted on riding around on people's heads for awhile, first mine, then my friend Mike's. I think he didn't want to get a FWI - flying while intoxicated!

All in all the party was a blast. Just a small group of friends enjoying each other's company and having fun! I was glad Super Monkey could meet my friends and experience a party NJ style!